Sagittarius + Rabbit

Gentle, philosophical, and adventurous, those born under the sign of the Sugar Glider are not interested in aggressive behavior or confrontation. Instead, they prefer to enjoy the world on their own terms. Sugar Gliders long for new experiences in life and get bored with routine fairly quickly. They don’t need the drama that some other signs crave, preferring to relax, explore, and wander at their leisure.
This is a sign that is full of opposites, some contradictory and some complimentary. Despite their enjoyment of new experiences they also like spending a lot of time at home. They are clever and ambitious, capable of accomplishing almost anything, yet they are very specific about what they do and do not want to do. Often they will start projects just to abandon them when something more interesting comes along.
Like their animal namesake, those born under the sign of the Sugar Glider like to stay up late at night, even if they are just relaxing. They are playful with their own people but are considerably more wary of outsiders. There is a tendency to grow attached to those they spend the most time with and they often become depressed if they don’t get enough social time.
Sugar Gliders are one of the luckier signs in general, but they have a particularly lucky streak with money. Though they may not be rich, they almost always have money when they need it. They aren’t big investors, in fact they enjoy instant satisfaction a bit too much, especially when it comes to buying nice clothes, cars, and items for the home. Sugar Gliders hate routine and need more destination vacations than the average person, though making a concrete decision on where to go is not one of their strengths.
They aren’t the most social individuals, but having an active social life is important for a Sugar Glider. They are good conversationalists who know when to speak and, more importantly, when to listen. Amiable and easy going, they prefer either familiar places with new people or new places with familiar people. A balance between comfort and adventure is their constant social goal and others often rely on them to think up new places to go and things to do.
Unlike other Sagittarians, Sugar Gliders rarely speak before they think. They are highly aware of how their words and actions affect others, though how much they allow themselves to be filtered by their own social consciousness is dependent upon other planetary aspects, including the always-important position of the moon in the birth chart.
Ever the procrastinators, Sugar Gliders typically take a long time to settle down. In their youth they have so much energy and optimism in life it’s likely that they will avoid close relationships in order to hold onto their personal freedom for longer. They don’t like having to break off relationships and may even start a new relationship before the old one is over. This is not malicious by nature, but still causes trouble in love. Finding a balance between their need for security and sensual experience is a core life challenge for every member of this sign.
Careers & Goals
Finding the right career is a challenge for most people, but particularly so for members of this sign. Because Sugar Gliders get bored easily, they tend to prefer small projects over big ones. If given the option, they would have a steady supply of new tasks to achieve, none lasting so long as to become routine.
This sign likes to achieve a small goal and move onto another. While many tasks can be broken up into smaller pieces, some careers lend better to this approach than others. For Sugar Gliders, a career as a lawyer, diplomat, or translator would provide both the challenge and structure that this sign prefers. In these roles they have the opportunity to travel the world while making a difference, and Sugar Gliders do indeed have a deep-seeded desire to help others.
Sagittarius gets its adventure and Rabbit gets its stability (and money, typically), so any career that balances these two elements will be a good fit in the long term. The position of Jupiter in the birth chart will have an effect on how these two signs will interact together in the career realm.