Those born under the Western Zodiac sign of Leo have much to say about everything. Leos are strong, confident, and majestic. They are highly social individuals who are often heavily involved in pursuits that interest them. Charming, witty, and intriguing, Leos tend to have a flair for the dramatic and many of them are born entertainers. Though they like to get their way as often as possible, Leos are also forgiving and generous individuals with a great zest for life. They have independent spirits and often are highly ambitious in their pursuit of personal happiness.
Leo is a prideful sign, so looking good and being liked are both important to this sign. They are outgoing and exuberant and most people enjoy listening to them talk, which is something of a performance in and of itself.
Leos must be careful not to become too self-involved though, as they can also be domineering and pretentious. Sensitive signs sometimes don’t understand a Leo’s loud and dramatic sense of communication and may interpret it as vain or melodramatic. Leos can also be very prideful and hide their true feelings if those ideas are unpopular. This sign requires adoration and respect and they have a hard time understanding when they don’t get it. Leos can also be very controlling, though they almost always mean well.
There are 12 Primal Zodiac signs for the Western Zodiac sign of Leo, one for each sign of the Eastern Zodiac.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Dog are represented in Primal Astrology by the Shih Tzu. Shih Tzus are more traditional than other Leos and have a strong sense of justice. They are, perhaps, the least socially adept of all Leos but make up for it with unwavering loyalty. These individuals are often anxious and can be emotionally unstable. They make excellent friends, though, and the presence of the Dog lessens Leo’s tendency to be a gossip.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Dragon are represented in Primal Astrology by the Orca, a.k.a. “Killer Whale”. Orcas are the most prideful of all Leos and never want to look bad in front of others. However, if taken too far, this can lead to self-delusions and a lack of taking personal responsibility. The presence of the Dragon intensifies Leo’s feisty sense of self assurance, but lessens Leo’s soft temperament and tolerance of others
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Horse are represented in Primal Astrology by the Hyena. While most Leos have a warm, soft, lazy side to them, Hyenas are the exception. They are constantly on the go, and perhaps the most ambitious of all Leos. They are certainly the most energetic. Hyenas are witty and gregarious, and like to run in large groups rather than alone. Though highly independent they can also become very self-centered if the Horse becomes too strong of an influence.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Monkey are represented in Primal Astrology by the Ferret. Ferrets love to revel in their own accomplishments. They are highly intelligent Leos who like to use their charm to get what they want. They are the best of Leo signs at figuring out puzzles and challenges and among the least likely of Leos to care what others think about them. The influence of the Monkey heightens Leo’s ambition and curiosity but also makes it difficult for these individuals to stay on task. They are forever wondering what is around the corner and may end up moving from job to job or relationship to relationship.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Ox are represented in Primal Astrology by the Sun Bear. Sun Bears are much less social than most other Leos, but are even more stubborn. These are the most tireless and dependable of Leos and among the most loyal. Pride is a major issue for Sun Bears who don’t like to ask for help even when they really need it. They require an increased sense of safety and security and are less likely than other Leos to take unnecessary risks. Deep down this sign hides quite a temper, as only those who have pushed one to the edge before could truly understand.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Pig are represented in Primal Astrology by the Quetzal. These are among the most vulnerable of the prideful Leo signs. Sincere, honorable, and obliging, Quetzals receive great joy from the act of giving. They are more sensitive than most Leos and also more intelligent. The Pig’s influence enhances Leo’s natural ability to impress others, but it also brings with it a naivety, and a greater likelihood of being taken advantage of by others.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rabbit are represented in Primal Astrology by the Angora Rabbit. Not only are Angora Rabbits the most pessimistic of Leos, they often also like to sport an outrageous or interesting hair style. These Leos are not interested in confrontation, though they are still highly interested in getting what they want. This can lead to passive-aggressive behavior by the tasteful and well mannered Angora Rabbit. These are among the most artistic Leos as well, boasting both a heightened talent and taste level for all things artistic or beautiful.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rat are represented in Primal Astrology by the Otter. Otters are the survivalists of the Leo people. They have a certain inherent wisdom about the world which allows them to succeed when taking risks. Otters are very charming individuals; curious and energetic to the point of being restless. The influence of the Rat adds an aggressive but likable energy to Leo while also intensifying the likelihood for selfishness.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Rooster are represented in Primal Astrology by the Peacock. Peacocks are hands down the most self-assured Leos. They tend to be more precise and organized than other Leos as well. Peacocks love attention, which is why they can’t get enough social time with friends. They are often colorful individuals with big personalities, but they often take things too far and the radiant charm becomes demanding. The Rooster boosts the existing confidence and sociability of Leo but also greatly increases Leo’s risk of becoming a bossy, arrogant, and egotistical perfectionist.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Sheep are represented in Primal Astrology by the Swan. Swans are a bit lazier than the other Leos, but they are luckier than most of them too. Swans are amiable, dependable, and charming, if not a bit delicate. These are among the least self-assured Leos, but they are also amongst the most creative. Swans are natural artists and enjoy expressing themselves almost as much as they fear expressing themselves. The Chinese Zodiac’s Sheep brings with it a calm and dreamy mentality, but also makes these Leos more likely to doubt themselves.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Snake are represented in Primal Astrology by the Fox. Foxes are clever and funny while maintaining an air of mystery. They are instinctive and seductive individuals who can also be flat out lazy when they want to. These are the most likely Leos to be classically cool, elegant, and refined. With Leo’s love of drama and the Snake’s ability to manipulate, these individuals can often turn a boring story into an epic. Sure, they might exaggerate from time to time, but they also have an indefinable quality that you can’t help but fall for.
Leos born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Tiger are represented in Primal Astrology by the Wolverine. Wolverines are the most rebellious and unpredictable of all Leos. They have a huge presence about themselves and on a good day are the life of the party. Optimistic and resilient, they are also more quick-tempered than other Leos and can be very intense and outspoken. Still, Wolverines are natural leaders who possess a good heart and a strong work ethic.